
Winter marissa
Winter marissa

winter marissa

If you are thinking about putting major time or money into dealing with white grubs, it is worth taking a second to confirm which species you are dealing with. While scarab beetles are related, how long they spend in the soil as grubs and how much damage they do varies a lot by species. Depending on where you are in the state, these are likely Japanese beetles, but it is still important to identify the insect you are looking at. Common scarab beetles in Minnesota include june beetles, rose chafer and, of course, Japanese beetles. White grubs are the immature form of a large group of beetles, scarab beetles. In the metro especially, people are noticing big, juicy white grubs feeding on their lawns. Now that most Minnesotans can see the lawns again after a record-breaking winter, some aren’t too happy with what the melt has revealed.

winter marissa

White grubs are the immature form of Japanese beetles.

Winter marissa