I do think that the book is eventually going to talk about that, too.

Which is so fascinating!!! He’s found a way to enjoy the world that doesn’t involve doing terrible things to other people, and he still gets to be himself. So, Moist is changing because of this experience, and he didn’t even realize it. And it’s kind of ironic that I brought up the fact that I couldn’t quite tell if Moist was still a conman if he was using all the techniques he knew and still thought like one, but wasn’t actually conning anyone. It was as good as being a criminal without the crime. But a new and troublesome part was thinking: I was making it work. Part of Moist von Lipwig was happy to let it happen. Let’s talk about other things, like this: (And what a horrible way to die, y’all.) UGH, GILT IS THE WORST.

We’d seen it happen numerous times before, and now I fully understand how it was that John Dearheart came to die. They were able to fly and could silently assassinate pretty much anyone Gilt wanted. Y’all, think about the creature he chose to hire. Holy shit, I didn’t even consider that! I thought he was an outsider gargoyle, and I get why I thought that, but this makes Gilt even more awful. And instead of providing a better service or fairly competing with the post office, he sent a banshee (!!!!!) to burn the whole place down, preferably with people inside of it. He’s threatened because Moist helped make it clear just how bullshit the Grand Trunk Company has become since Gilt took it over. Bullshit!!! The man is threatened by someone offering a service better than his. And for what? Because he believes in freedom and a life without tyranny? Bullshit. All that undelivered mail will now never be delivered. Tiddles, Groat, and countless others nearly died.

We don’t even know what the final damage will be. (And I say that knowing how much I hated Carcer in Night Watch.) He most likely destroyed the majority of the post office. I hate him so much, and I find that he is one of the most despicable antagonists in this whole series. I did not ever like Reacher Gilt, but this chapter… lord. I feel like that’s a succinct summary of Moist’s entire predicament, and I’m going to allow myself to laugh at it because most of the rest of this chapter is just so sad. Intrigued? Then it’s time for Mark to read Discworld. In the first half of the tenth chapter of Going Postal, Moist rushes to save the post office.