
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Lucy Bird
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Lucy Bird

A Lady

She has the distinction of being the first woman to become a member of the Royal Geographical Society in 1892. These letters are filled with beautiful, vivid descriptions of the scenery, the people she encountered, the way of life, and a mountain man named Jim Nugent, that was as rough as they come, but a complete gentleman with Ms. Collection gutenberg Contributor Project Gutenberg Language English. Isabella Bird began travelling while in her early twenties to help alleviate illness that had plagued her since childhood. A Ladys Life in the Rocky Mountains by Bird, Isabella L. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains details this fascinating account of her travels through a series of letters written to her sister, Henrietta. A Ladys Life in the Rocky Mountains Item Preview There Is No Preview Available For This Item.

A Lady

She was a single woman in her early forties when she made her trek through the Rocky Mountains. She traveled September through December 1873 by train, stagecoach and horse. She was in her early forties and unmarried. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains details this. Isabella Lucy Bird(1831 1904) writes letters to her sister Henrietta, relating her experiences while traveling in the Western Sierra Mountains of Wyoming and Colorado. Isabella Bird began travelling while in her early twenties to help alleviate illness that had plagued her since childhood. Bird (1831 - 1904) Isabella Bird began travelling while in her early twenties to help alleviate illness that had plagued her since childhood. Download cover art Download CD case insert A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains

A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Lucy Bird