What is wrong with her? Or is it him? Wanted by Karen Michelle Nutt Six year-old Emma is convinced her Christmas wish and premonition has come true when outlaw JoBeth Riley is brought into town. Connie is interested, but Ed seems to have an on-again, off-again attitude that rocks her self confidence and adds to her loneliness. Fast Forward Love by Rita Hestand Connie and Ed are both widowed and everyone thinks they would make a great couple.

Only a miracle can keep her world from falling apart. Next Christmas the astronauts will return and her secret will be revealed. Will Noel be able to help him feel again and can Aiden find what he is searching for? Mars Needs Men by Gerald Costlow Carla, a communication specialist, tries to help an astronaut who will be in space for another year not have an unhappy Christmas. Noel provides a place for him to stay and acts as his guide.

Christmas in Bayeaux by Stephanie Burkhart The ravages of war have taken their toll on Aiden and he travels to Bayeaux, France, on a pilgrimage of sorts.